Bachelor's degree

Name of the subject

Brief information about the subject


English language,

1-3 courses

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan about "The requirements on the preparation of the bachelor's graduates of all areas for foreign languages" students of non-philological directions should master the knowledge level B1+ of English.


Practical English,
4 course

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on “The Requirements for the Level of Preparation of Graduates of the Master's Degree in All Areas for Foreign Languages" students of the non-philological direction must master the knowledge level B2 of English


Master`s degree

Name of the subject

Brief information about the subject


Practical Foreign English

       This course of practical English language provides knowledge and skills of free communication, making presentations, conducting business papers, editing scientific articles for future fully trained personnel.

       The present program will create a foundation in the future for undergraduates of the basics for choosing future professions with the aim of being fluent in a foreign language.
At the same time, this course of practical English language envisages and requires taking into account interdependence with an integrated approach to other subjects of the practical, general educational process related to professional improvement.
         One of the main objectives of teaching practical foreign language at the institute, the content of training should correspond to the level of knowledge and skills provided for the curriculum. Therefore, the purpose of creating this program of authors was based on the interdisciplinary interconnectedness of the curricula of various departments in the specialties.